2007年11月30日 星期五





祝以上幾位同學 生日快樂


2007年11月28日 星期三

To the border of Mexico!

Hey Classmates,
How's it going?
Tonight, I drove to the border between the state of Arizona in U.S. and Mexico. It was the special stuff in my mind and share some pictures taken by the border with you.
I live in Southwest united states, Arizona. To south, across the border is another country, Mexico. However, I have not tried to access the border before. Tucson where I live, the 52th big metropolitan in the states, is very close to the border. Nogales, south to Tucson, is the border city across Arizona of U.S. and Sonora of Mexico. It means part of Arizona and part of Sonora.
While I drove south to Nogales, I saw a traffic sign showing up "to Mexico" on Highway I-19, the only highway adopts kilometer system in U.S. as the up picture. It stood for very close to Mexico about only couple kilometers. I didn't take any VISA documentation handy then I worried once I accessed the border, the border patrols could ask me to show up the passport or VISA. I exited from the I-19 and took the local driving in the city of Nogales.
I was so curious to know how Mexico is. I went to the shop store of the gas station and asked how far from here to the border. He replied me "two blocks". Then I continuted the questions if I walk how many minutes for walking distance. He told me about five minutes. Wow! It was very very close to Mexico! I chosed to walk rather than drive to see Mexico. The down picture showed the check point of the border accompanying some retail stores. Most of the signs were in Spanish, Mexican language, instead of English. It was Mexico as you seen in the picture though I stood at the side of U.S.
The middle picture was taken from my GPS in my sedan. The navigator showed where my car was and the line was the country line between U.S. and Mexico.
Between the Tucson and Sonora, there are some satellite towns like Green Valley, Sahuarita. They are the newly developed communities and ranked as the top 100 high level living surroundings in the states.
Once you visit the states, please feel free to let me serve you. Although Arizona is desert, you still can discover her beauty. Hope you have a nice one.

2007年11月13日 星期二


A班: 陳長佑(2+2女兒)、鄭平仁(2+2女兒)、謝思平 (2+1女兒)
B班: 錡志宏 (2+1兒子)、啟璋亭穎(2+1),一同到大溪河岸森森吃午餐的照片,當天是要為 12/1 日將去香港工作三年的小錡一家人健行

2007年11月11日 星期日


2007/11/10 喜成回台,在高雄可利亞的聚餐

2007年11月6日 星期二


Hi, 各位同學:



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2007年11月4日 星期日


Hi, 各位同學:

11/3 的班聚順利成功,感謝各位同學的熱情參與

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班版相簿: http://picasaweb.google.com/ThuAcc17B/
